Working with organizations
You can set up the organizations and sites that you use.
You can set defaults for various options that are related to applications
or groups of applications, such as Work Order Tracking, Inventory,
Purchasing, Preventative Maintenance, Assets, and so on.
Creating organizations
In the Organizations application, you create the organizations to use with the system. Each organization can have multiple sites.
Clearing material reservations for work orders
To customize organization properties specific for your business needs, you can specify when to clear the material reservation for a work order.
Specifying options for work orders and ticket owners
In the Organizations application, you can determine the behavior of the Select Owner action in the Work Order Tracking application and in several service desk applications. You can specify whether there is a value in the Date field in these applications, and if the list of persons is filtered according to availability.
Setting purchasing options
You can customize purchasing options for your specific business needs.
Specifying autonumbering for applications
You can specify autonumber seeds and prefixes for applications at the system, organization, site, and set levels so that all sets in an organization use the same numbering sequence.
Displaying user messages
You can specify when users are prompted by user interface (UI) messages to provide them with information.