Specifying autonumbering for applications

You can specify autonumber seeds and prefixes for applications at the system, organization, site, and set levels so that all sets in an organization use the same numbering sequence.

About this task

To create an autonumber or to attach an autonumber to a field, use the Database Configuration application.


  1. In the Organizations application, select the organization for which you want to set up autonumbering.
  2. Select the System Level, Set Level, Organization Level, or Site Level action.
  3. Specify the values for the appropriate level:
    • For the system level, set level, and organization level, specify or change values for the seed.
    • For the site level, specify or change values for the autonumber name and seed.
  4. Optional: To have the autonumber preceded by a standard value, specify a value for prefix.
    For example, IN (for incident) can precede the autonumber.
  5. Click OK.