Work order detail object
The MXWODETAIL object structure allows for bidirectional synchronization of exporting work order information, including planned material, labor, service, and tools.
The system first sends out a work order when it reaches the status in the WOSTART control, then on all updates thereafter. The entire work order document is always sent.
The MBO relationship that is used to retrieve the reservation MBO (INVRESERVE) is different from the relationship that is used in the Work Order Tracking application. Therefore, the changed attribute in the XML is not set for any values from this MBO
Outbound integration processing
The following table shows the predefined values used in outbound integration processing.
Predefined integration components | Value and description |
Object structure definition class functionality | MoutWORsvProcess - Provides the code required to update the sendersysid column on the invreserve MBO. |
Publish channel | MXWODETAILInterface - Uses processing rules, the complete work order document with plan information is sent only for status changes. |
Processing rules | SKIPWO - Skips the sending
of the document
if both of the following conditions are true:
Integration controls | WOSTART |
Inbound integration processing
The following table shows the preconfigured values used in inbound integration processing.
Predefined integration components | Value and description |
Object structure processing class functionality | None |
Publish channel | None |
Processing rules | None |
Integration controls | None |