Purchase contracts object
The MXPC object structure allows for bidirectional synchronization of exporting purchase contract information. This object structure currently only supports the purchase contracts types of blanket and price.
Outbound integration processing
The following table shows the predefined values used in outbound integration processing.
Predefined integration components | Value and description |
Object structure processing class functionality | MoutPCProcess - Skips reservations that are for direct issues. |
Publish channel | MXPCInterface - Uses processing rules so that the complete purchase contract document is sent only for a status change. |
Processing rules |
Integration controls | PCSEND |
Inbound integration processing
The following table shows the preconfigured values used in inbound integration processing.
Predefined integration components | Value and description |
Object structure processing class functionality | MaxPCProcess - Supports status changes. Creates a new revision when the purchase contract already exists and the revision does not. Only supports contract types of blanket and price. |
Publish channel | MXPCInterface |
Processing rules | None |
Integration controls | None |