Labor object

The MXLABOR object structure allows for bidirectional synchronization of labor information, including person and labor craft rates.


You must synchronize any associated craft, work location, or storeroom location before loading labor. Each person record can have only one labor record.

Outbound Integration Processing

The following table shows the predefined values used in outbound integration processing.

Predefined integration components Value and description
Object Structure definition class functionality MoutLaborProcess - Processing logic disabled.
Publish Channel MXLABORInterface
Processing Rules None
Integration Controls None

Inbound Integration Processing

The following table shows the preconfigured values used in inbound integration processing.

Predefined integration components Value and description
Object Structure processing class functionality MaxLaborProcess - Supports status changes. Sets the ORGID for LaborCraftRate MBO from the parent MBO. Also sets the PERSONID on the PERSON record, based on the PERSONID in the LABOR record
Enterprise Service MXLABORInterface
Processing Rules None
Integration Controls None