General ledger (GL) object

The MXGLTXN object structure allows for outbound synchronization of GL transactions. This interface allows for the posting of site-level transactions to an external general ledger application for accounting reconciliation.


This interface uses a nonpersistent MBO with data from the following subrecords:


The event filter class, GLEventFilter, is used to set the events to the applicable persistent objects listed.

The SOURECEMBO field identifies the database table in which the transaction originated. Its value is derived from the GLSOURCEMBO synonym domain.

Outbound integration processing

The following table shows the predefined values used in outbound integration processing.

Table 1. General ledger object predefined components for outbound integration processing
Predefined integration components Value Description
Object structure definition class functionality MoutGLProcess - Service receipts
Service receipts include the following entries:
  • Accounting entries for non-distributed service receipts created by the receiving application for services ordered on purchase orders (ISSUETYPE = RECEIPT, COSTINFO=1)
  • Accounting entries for distributed service receipts created by the receiving application for services ordered on purchase orders (ISSUETYPE = POCOST)
  • Accounting entries for purchase order services with Receipt Required = N that are directly invoiced instead of being received (ISSUETYPE = INVOICE)
  • Accounting entries for services that are not against purchase orders and are invoiced directly (ISSUETYPE = INVOICE)
  • Invoice variance transactions recorded against service receipts (ISSUETYPE = INVOICE)

Service receipts (SERVRECTRANS) processing:

  • Sets SOURCEMBO to SERVRECTRANS and ISSUETYPE to the value listed.
  • INVOICE type transactions: sends out on insert.
  • POCOST and RECEIPT type transactions: if Inspection Required = N for the corresponding POLINE, sends out on insert. If inspection required = Y, sends out when status is changed to COMP.
  MoutGLProcess - Material receipts
Material receipts include the following:
  • Accounting entries for non-distributed material receipts created by the receiving application for items/ tools ordered on purchase orders (ISSUETYPE = RECEIPT, COSTINFO = 1)
  • Accounting entries for distributed material receipts created by the receiving application for items/ tools ordered on purchase orders (ISSUETYPE = POCOST)
  • Accounting entries for Item transfers between storerooms (ISSUETYPE = TRANSFER and PONUM=NULL)
  • Accounting entries for receipt inspection transfers of items between the receipt inspection storeroom and the purchase order line storeroom (ISSUETYPE = TRANSFER and RECEIPTREF!=NULL and PONUM!=NULL)
  • Accounting entries for receipts against internal purchase orders (ISSUETYPE = TRANSFER and RECEIPTREF=NULL and PONUM!=NULL)
  • Accounting entries for receipt inspection goods return of items and materials (ISSUETYPE = RETURN)
  • Accounting entries for return to vendor from a storeroom or direct issue purchase order lines (ISSUETYPE = RETURN)
  • Invoice variance transactions recorded against material receipts (ISSUETYPE = INVOICE)
  • Accounting transaction for increasing the kit item's INVENTORY control account value when kits are made (ISSUETYPE = KITMAKE). transactions for increasing the INVENTORY control account for each constituent item of a kit when a kit is disassembled (ISSUETYPE = KITBREAK)

Material receipts (MATRECTRANS) processing:

  • Sets SOURCEMBO to MATRECTRANS and ISSUETYPE to value listed.
  • Sends out INVOICE, RECEIPT, TRANSFER, RETURN, KITMAKE and KITBREAK type transactions on insert.
  • For POCOST type transactions on insert if status is COMP (that is, on insert if Inspection Required = N, and when status changed to COMP if Inspection Required = Y).
  MoutGLProcess - Inventory adjustment transactions
Inventory adjustment transactions include the following:
  • Inventory current balance adjustments (ITTYPE = CURBALADJ)
  • Inventory standard/ average cost adjustments (ITTYPE = STDCOSTADJ/ AVGCOSTADJ)
  • Cost difference when a kit is disassembled and there is a difference between the value of the kit and the sum of the kit component values (ITTTYPE = KITCOSTVAR)
  • Physical count reconciliation (ITTYPE = RECBALADJ)
  • Capitalized cost adjustment (ITTYPE = CAPCSTADJ)
  • Standard cost receipt adjustment (ITTYPE = STDRECADJ)

Inventory adjustment (INVTRANS) processing:

  • Sets SOURCEMBO to INVTRANS and ITTYPE to value listed.
  • Does not send out transactions with ITTTYPE = INSERTITEM, CREATEASSET and PHYSCNT, as they are considered audit records rather than accounting transactions.
  • Sends out all other transactions on insert.
  MoutGLProcess - Invoice transactions
Invoice transactions include the following transactions created by invoice approval:
  • Invoice TOTAL transaction (amount payable to invoice vendor, TRANSTYPE = TOTAL)
  • Invoice line tax transactions (tax accounting for each TAX code for an invoice line, TRANSTYPE = TAX1:TAX5)
  • Invoice currency variance transaction (TRANSTYPE = CURVAR)
  • Invoice price variance transactions (TRANSTYPE = INVCEVAR)

Invoice transaction (INVTRANS) processing:

  • Sets SOURCEMBO to INVOICETRANS and TRANSTYPE to the value listed.
  • Sends out all transactions when they are created.
  MoutGLProcess - Material issue and return transactions
Material issue and return transactions include the following:
  • Accounting entries for items issued from a storeroom in the system (ISSUETYPE = ISSUE)
  • Accounting entries for items returned to a storeroom (ISSUETYPE = RETURN)

Material issue and return (MATUSETRANS) processing:

  • Sets SOURCEMBO to MATUSETRANS and ISSUETYPE to value listed.
  • Does not send out direct issue transactions that are created by PO receiving/ invoice variances in MATUSETRANS, as they are accounted for in MATRECTRANS. Identifies such transactions by their PONUM, so all MATUSETRANS transactions that have a PO reference are not sent out by this interface.
  • Sends out all other transaction at time of creation.
  MoutGLProcess - Labor transactions

Labor Transaction (LABRTRANS) processing:

  • If approval not required, send out labor actuals against work orders on insert.
  • If approval required, sends out transaction after it is approved (when GENAPPSERVRECEIPT is Y).
  MoutGLProcess - Tool transactions

Tool Transaction (TOOLTRANS) processing:

  • Sends out usage of tools on work orders on creation of TOOLTRANS
Publish channel MXGLTXNInterface  
Processing rules SKIPGL Skips the sending of the general ledger transaction based on the value in SOURCEMBO existing in the GLSOURCE control.
Integration controls GLSOURCE  

Inbound integration processing

The following table shows the preconfigured values used in inbound integration processing.

Table 2. General ledger object predefined components for inbound integration processing
Predefined integration components Value and description
Object structure processing class functionality None
Publish channel None
Processing rules None
Integration controls None