Communication template object

The MXCTEMPLATE object structure allows for bidirectional synchronization of communication templates that users can leverage to standardize frequently used e-mail communications and notifications.


A communication template is a definition of a mail message with subject, message, and recipient information that is processed when certain nodes become current, or along specified workflow routing paths between nodes.

This object structure synchronizes application, change status, custom class, command line, and set value actions, but not action group.


Update and delete operations require external systems to provide a valid ACTIONID value.

This object structure does not support the creation of action groups.

Outbound Integration Processing

The following table shows the predefined values used in outbound integration processing.

Predefined integration components Value and description
Object Structure definition class functionality N/A
Publish Channel MXCTEMPLATEInterface
Processing Rules None
Integration Controls None

Inbound Integration Processing

The following table shows the preconfigured values used in inbound integration processing.

Predefined integration components Value and description
Object Structure processing class functionality N/A
Enterprise Service N/A
Processing Rules None
Integration Controls None