Asset object
The MXASSET object structure allows for bidirectional synchronization of asset information, including attributes that define meters.
The MXASSET object structure synchronizes individual assets, but not the asset hierarchy as a whole. It supports the addition and update of meters tied to an asset, but not the update of meter reading values. Inbound processing of ASSETMETER is restricted to attributes that define the meter, not meter reading values or other information pertaining to meter readings.
You must synchronize applicable operating locations, storerooms, meters, and items before loading assets.
The MBO relationship used to retrieve the ASSETMETER MBO is different from the MBO relationship used in the Assets application. Therefore, the changed attribute in the XML (outbound processing) is not set for any values from this MBO.
This object structure does not support status changes or asset movement. A standard service for assets is provided to support moving assets that reside in operating locations. The standard service, Asset, provides an operation, assetmoveSingleAsset, to support this functionality.
Outbound Integration Processing
The following table shows the predefined values used in outbound integration processing.
Predefined integration components | Value and description |
Object Structure definition class functionality | MoutAssetProcess - Populates the Hierarchypath field if a classification is associated with the asset. |
Publish Channel | MXASSETInterface |
Processing Rules | None |
Integration Controls | None |
Inbound Integration Processing
The following table shows the preconfigured values used in inbound integration processing.
Predefined integration components | Value and description |
Object Structure processing class functionality | MaxAssetProcess - If the Hierarchypath is provided, the processing class populates the corresponding classstructureid field of the asset, which creates the association of the classification with the asset. |
Enterprise Service | MXASSETInterface |
Processing Rules | None |
Integration Controls | None |