Filtering data in the graphical view
To search for specific data, you can filter the data in the graphical view.
In the graphical view, click the Filter icon
A search box opens at the top of each column heading. - Type the text that you want to search for in the search box.
Click the X next to the search box to choose the operator that you want
to use in the filter.
For example, you can filter for values that are equal to, less than, or end with your search text.After you specify filter criteria, the graphical view contains only the data that you filtered for. Any text that is contained anywhere in a hierarchy affects search results.For example, if you search for AIR in the description, work records that do not contain AIR in their description appear if they have tasks that contain AIR in the description.
To view the entire schedule again, click the Clear Filter and Show All
Activities icon
- Optional: You can also search for records in the Quick Filter field, or limit the records by hierarchy level by clicking the hierarchy levels at the beginning of the Description column.