Work View application

The Work View application queries the combined ticket and work order tables. You can display the results of the query in the Result Set portlet of your Start Center. You can view a list of all tickets and work orders that you own or that are assigned to your group. The Work View application contains one default query, called WORKVIEW.

The WORKVIEW query includes all non-historical tickets and work orders owned by the user or by your group, listed by priority. You can choose to use the default query or create your own query. The Work View application refreshes the query results in real time to reflect the status and information in the database.

An administrator assigns the Result Set portlet to Start Center templates as needed. When you create a query and mark it as public, users have access to it. Users also have access to the Result Set portlet and can use the query in their Start Center. If you have not enabled reporting or Workflow for this application, the menus do not contain any actions.