Locations application
Use the Locations application to specify and to track locations for assets. You can also organize locations into logical hierarchical systems or network systems. Using hierarchies or systems of locations and specifying the locations for assets on an asset record provides the groundwork for gathering and tracking information about the history of an asset, including its performance at specific sites, as it is moved from location to location. With locations organized into systems, you can quickly find a location on the Drilldown page, and identify the asset at that location.
Use the Locations application to perform the following functions:
- Search for locations, saved queries, and bookmarks.
- View or specify detailed information specific to a location.
- View the history of, move transactions into and out of a selected location.
- View, modify, add, or delete safety records associated with a selected location.
- Associate a meter group with a location, and add and remove meters from a location.
- Type or view the specifications for a location as recorded in the Classifications application.
- View assets at a selected location.