Event filter classes
For outbound asynchronous transactions that use publish channels, you can run a custom Java™ class or an automation script by using an event filter class. The processing for an event filter class occurs before the serialization of data in the object structure layer for an outbound message. The event filter class can insert logic that affects the creation of the integration message at this processing point.
Configure any of the following features in the Event Filter Class field of
a publish channel:
- Add logic that removes unwanted fields or objects from a message to reduce the amount of data in the serialization process.
- Override default recursion logic that prevents an event from an inbound integration from sending an outbound integration message. Overriding the default behavior in this scenario can allow an outbound message to be initiated from an event that is triggered by an inbound message.
- Filter events in or out by specifying the identifier of a conditional expression. If the filter evaluates to be true, the event is filtered out. If the filter evaluates to false, the event is not filtered out.