Reprocessable file format

When you download the reprocessable file, it is provided in the same format as the original input file. If you use the flat file format, the file uses the same delimiter and text qualifier. The default file name for the reprocessable file is <UniqueFileIdentifier>_<OriginalFileName>.<OriginalFileExtension>

Example of an XML reprocessable file

A reprocessable file based on an XML file, includes an additional element in the main MBO of the original object structure. For example, a reprocessable file generated based on MXASSET information includes the MAXINTERRORMSG element as part of the asset elements.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <SyncMXASSET xmlns="" transLanguage="EN">
        <ANCESTOR />
        <ASSETTAG />
        <ASSETTYPE />
          The following error occurred while processing ASSET.BMXAA4147E - 
          Item set error1 does not exist.

Example of flat format reprocessable file

Reprocessable files that follow a flat file structure include an additional column. For example, a reprocessable file generated based on MXASSET information includes the MAXINTERROR column at the end of the original record structure:

The following error occurred while processing ASSET.BMXAA4049E - 
The value specified T-SP500_error exceeds the maximum field length.