Importing validated data

After you validate the data, you can import it into Maximo® Manage by using the BIM Projects application.

About this task

You can apply a field or specification map to an import session to convert COBie attributes and COBie extension columns to fields in Maximo business objects and attribute types that are used in specifications. Maps are applied when fields are set in a newly created import object.

You can use filters to limit the data that is imported. Filters are applied immediately when a row is read, while attribute maps are applied later in the import process.


  1. In the BIM Projects application, open the project and in the Project Sessions section, add a session.
  2. Select Import for the session type and click OK.
  3. On the Files tab, select the COBie files that you want to import.
  4. Optional: On the Options tab, specify the specification or field map name.
  5. Optional: Specify the default values for the import.
  6. Optional: On the Filters tab, specify the filters to use for the import.
  7. Optional: On the Advanced tab, modify the default configuration settings.
  8. Click Import.