Calibration assets

Calibration assets include instruments, which are the devices that do the work, and measuring and test equipment (M&TE), which are the devices that measure and test the instruments.

Measuring and test equipment is also referred to as standards by technicians who perform calibrations. Instruments are periodically calibrated with measuring and test equipment to certify that they perform within specified limits. Measuring and test equipment is also periodically calibrated to certify that it performs within its specified limits.

You can identify whether an asset is measuring and test equipment and assign an owner and status for that asset. You can then identify which measuring and test equipment was used to calibrate an instrument. You can also identify all instruments that were calibrated with a specific measuring and test equipment .

You can define whether the asset is calibrated internally or by a vendor and define the operating range and accuracy measurements of the asset.

Use the Assets application to define and uniquely identify calibration assets. You can also determine the next calibration due date of an instrument and associate assets with loop calibrations.