You can attach relevant information to your records in the form of a file or a URL
address. Documents can include text files, spreadsheets, and diagrams.
About this task
You can attach documents to records and to tasks on a record. You can upload a file
attachment from your computer, or you can attach a file from your attached documents
- In an application that has the attached documents actions, click
- Select one of the following actions to attach documents:
Option |
Description |
To add an attachment from the library. |
- Select Add from Library.
- Select one or more files in the library and click OK.
To add an attachment. |
- Select Add New Attachments.
- Select Add New File or Add New Web Page.
- In either the Create a File Attachment window or the Create a URL
Attachment window, specify the folder to add the attachment to.
- Enter the details for the file or URL attachment.
- If you want to add this file to the library, you can select the Add document to the
document library for others to use checkbox.
- Click OK.