Attaching documents to records

You can attach relevant information to your records in the form of a file or a URL address. Documents can include text files, spreadsheets, and diagrams.

About this task

You can attach documents to records and to tasks on a record. You can upload a file attachment from your computer, or you can attach a file from your attached documents library.


  1. In an application that has the attached documents actions, click Attachments.
  2. Select one of the following actions to attach documents:
    Option Description
    To add an attachment from the library.
    1. Select Add from Library.
    2. Select one or more files in the library and click OK.
    To add an attachment.
    1. Select Add New Attachments.
    2. Select Add New File or Add New Web Page.
    3. In either the Create a File Attachment window or the Create a URL Attachment window, specify the folder to add the attachment to.
    4. Enter the details for the file or URL attachment.
    5. If you want to add this file to the library, you can select the Add document to the document library for others to use checkbox.
    6. Click OK.