Specifying Kafka providers for message processing

You can specify Kafka as a messaging provider to asynchronously process outbound and inbound integration framework messages. The integration framework supplies a Kafka client.

Before you begin

Obtain and configure a Kafka provider that is compatible with the Kafka 2.5 libraries.

About this task

Kafka refers to a topic as a category or feed name to which records are published. Because of the way that the integration framework works with Kafka, topics are referred to as messaging queues.

Only one Kafka provider instance per deployment is supported.


  1. In the External Systems application, add or select the external system and then select Add/Modify Message Providers to open the Message Hub Provider dialog box.
  2. Insert a row and add a Kafka provider name.
    The provider type is specified as KAFKA.
  3. Specify values for the following properties. The SASL_MECHANISM and SECURITY_PROTOCOL properties are optional.
    Option Description
    SASL_MECHANISM The mechanism that implements the Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) authentication and security framework. The allowed value is PLAIN.

    If no value is specified, the value of PLAIN is used.

    SECURITY_PROTOCOL The protocol that ensures secure data sharing. Allowed values are SASL_SSL, SSL, PLAINTEXT, or SASL_PLAINTEXT.

    If no value is specified, the default value of SASL_SSL is used.

    BOOTSTRAPSERVERS A comma-separated list of server URLs that host your Kafka instance. Include the port specification. For example, specify brokerurl1,brokerurl2. You can use quotation marks if needed.
    PASSWORD If you specify the security protocol as either SASL_SSL or SASL_PLAINTEXT, specify an authentication password.
    USERNAME The username for your password.
  4. Save your changes.

What to do next

  • Register the Kafka topics as Maximo® Manage queues in the External Systems application.
  • For continuous inbound queues, you must configure a corresponding sequential error queue, or you risk having messages expire.
  • Configure one or more cron tasks to poll your queues and process the queue messages.