You can enable conditions on items and assign condition codes and the rates that describe
different physical conditions of the items. An assigned code and rate help determine the item's
value at that time. All conditions are measured against the value of the full, or 100%,
About this task
Enable conditions and select or add condition codes for an item in the item
Details page of the Manage Inventory Work Center. You also can add condition
codes in the Condition Codes application and associate condition codes with items in the Master Item
Condition codes are added to an item set and are available to all items in the set.
Lotted items cannot be condition-enabled.
On the Items page of the Manage Inventory Work Center, select or add an
- Edit the Condition-enabled tile and set the switch to
Yes. Save your changes to open the Condition Codes
In the Condition Codes list, take one of the following actions:
- Select one or more condition codes and rates for the item and save your changes. You must
select one code for the 100% condition rate and you can select other codes as needed.
- Select Add and add condition codes, then select the appropriate
codes. At least one code for the 100% rate must be listed and selected for the item.
For example, you select the following condition codes and rates for a tire:
- New (condition rate is 100%)
- Good (condition rate is 80%)
- Fair (condition rate is 50%)
- Poor (condition rate is 20%)
After an item is condition-enabled, its condition is specified each
time that the item is added or returned to inventory, or staged, issued, or transferred. Referring
to the example in Step 3, tires with a 100% condition rate are valued at $300. Tires with a New
condition are issued at a cost of 100% of $300. Tires with a Good condition are issued at a cost of
80% of $300, or $240, and so on.