Storeroom management
Storeroom management activities involve balancing inventory availability with carrying costs.
In the Storerooms page of the Inventory Management Work Center, you can add storerooms, monitor balances and availability of inventory items, record physical counts and reconcile them, and take other actions. Select a storeroom to work with its inventory.
You can manage inventory balances for a selected storeroom in the Balances tab. Add existing items and specify bin or lot, starting balance, cost type, costs, issue and order units, default bin, reorder information, and count frequency. Balances that are specified in the Reserved column include hard balances and back order balances only.
- Edit most information for the item, including balances of non-rotating items and the default bin.
- Issue items to a work order, asset, location, or general ledger account.
- Transfer items to another storeroom or to another bin or lot in the same storeroom.
- Manage reordering. You can specify a default vendor, manufacturer, reorder point, lead time, and the order quantity that minimizes carrying costs. Your administrator can set up automated reordering processes that use this information to create purchasing records. You also can view past orders from various vendors and manufacturers.
- View information about the rotating assets that are associated with rotating items.
In the Counts tab, you can record physical counts of items that you select. You can sort the table by multiple column headers, including the due date for the count.
In the Reconcile tab, you can reconcile your most recent physical count with any transactions that have completed since that date and time. You can preview balance changes that occur from a reconcile action.
If you need to work with more storeroom features, on a storeroom card, select Open storeroom details to open the record in the Storerooms application.
Adding items to storerooms
- Add items to a storeroom that you select from the Storerooms page.
- Add items to a storeroom on the Storerooms tab of the All Items page for a selected item.