
You can view and manage reservations for inventory. Reservations help prevent problems with insufficient balances in a storeroom.

Inventory can be automatically reserved when materials are specified on approved work orders or tasks. View details about inventory reservations on the Reservations page of the Manage Inventory Work Center. Soft reservations indicate that the reserved items are not needed at a specific time. Soft reservations do not affect available balances. Hard reservations indicate that material is needed by a specified date. Hard reservations affect current and available balances. Backorder reservations are created when a hard reservation causes the available balance in the bin to drop below zero and the option to disallow negative available balances is set in the Organizations application. Automatic reservations are specified as hard or soft based on the required date.

When you open the Reservations tab, the reservation list is filtered by time, site, and storeroom. Change the filters to show more or fewer records.

The following actions might be available to you from the Action menu on a reservation row, depending on your security options:

  • Edit information such as the item type, date, and quantity.
  • Issue inventory after you specify the quantity and the applicable bin or lot information. You can issue more or less than the reserved amount. If the full amount is issued, the reservation line is deleted.
  • Issue rotating items after you specify the associated rotating assets in the data list. You can issue more or less than the reserved amount and you can issue from multiple bins. If the full amount is issued, the reservation line is deleted.
  • Delete a reservation.

You can view information about issued items, including items that were issued from reservations, on the Issued Items tab of the Reservations page.