Configuring the update mode for job plan data

You can configure how existing job-plan-related items, such as job tasks and work assets, are updated in Maximo® Manage when the same digital product is imported more than once. You configure a system property to specify the update mode, which can be either replace or merge. The default update mode is merge.

About this task

When you use replace for the update mode, if a job-plan-related item, such as a job task, is associated with a job plan in Maximo Manage, but is no longer associated with that job plan on the incoming digital record, the job task is deleted from the Manage job plan. When you use merge for the update mode, the job task is not deleted. In both scenarios, job tasks that are associated with a Manage job plan and remain associated with that job plan on the incoming record are updated, and new job tasks are created if required.


  1. In the System Properties application, in the Global Properties section, filter for and expand the mxe.dtjobplanaction property.
  2. In the Global Value field, enter REPLACE or MERGE depending on which mode you want to use.
  3. Save the changes and click Live Refresh to update the values in the database.