Conducting inspections

As an inspector, you can complete inspections and record inspection results.


  1. In the Conduct an Inspection tool, select the inspection that you want to conduct. You can choose from inspections that are pending or in progress.
    To conduct multiple inspections at the same time, hover over each inspection card until a check box appears and then select it. When you're done selecting inspections, click Open Selected.
  2. When the inspection form opens, click Start or Start Batch if you’re conducting multiple inspections.
  3. Answer the questions in the inspection.
    Answers to your questions are saved automatically. You can click Hide optional questions to see only the required questions on the form.
  4. Click Complete when the inspection is finished.
  5. Click Exit to return to the inspection form.
  6. Optional: Click Take Action to view an inspection summary or details about the associated location or asset.
  7. Click Exit again to return to the Inspections page.