Specifying the electronic signature key

If your organization requires electronic signature verification, you must create an electronic signature password key for verification.

About this task

To comply with regulatory requirements, some organizations require that users provide credentials and give a reason for changes before they can change records. If your organization requires electronic signature verification, you must create an electronic signature key when you set up your profile. When you perform an action or change a field that requires authentication, enter the key that you created.

Administrators can configure security controls to require that electronic signature keys conform to rules for product passwords.


  1. From the toolbar in the Start Center, click Profile and select Set or Modify E-Signature Key.
  2. In the Set or Modify E-Signature Key window, select from the following options:
    • If you are a first-time user, specify a new key in the New E-Signature Key field and confirm the key in the Verify New E-Signature Key field.
    • If you are modifying an existing key, edit the following fields as needed:
      Field name Description
      Current E-Signature Key Specify the current electronic signature key.
      New E-Signature Key Specify a new electronic signature key.
      Verify New E-Signature Key Specify the new electronic signature key again to confirm its accuracy.