Information extracted by file-based error management

File-based error management provides the ability to download a reprocessable file that contains all of the error messages that originated from a single input file.

The following table contains the information available in the Error Extract section of the Message Reprocessing application.

Field Description
Import file Name of the source file that generated the reprocessable file.
Enterprise service Name of the enterprise service that was used to import the source file.
External system Name of the external system that was used to import the source file.
Import date Date and time when the data import process initiated processing of the source file.
Imported count Total number of messages imported from the original source file.
Processed count Number of messages processed successfully.
Error count Number of messages that have errors.
File format Format of the source file.
Available to extract Identifies whether the inbound processing of the source file has completed.
Extract icon Action button that initiates the file download process. To assure that the source file has been completely processed by the import mechanism, files are only available for download when the sum of error count and processed count is equal to the imported count.
Delete icon Action button that deletes the selected record from the Error Extract table. You can only delete table records if the sum of the error count and processed count is equal to the imported count.