File-based error management
You can use file-based error management with the data import feature. File-based error management provides the ability to identify all integration messages flagged with an error and download a complete file that contains all errors. The downloaded file is in a format that is consistent with the file that was used for the import.
To configure file-based error management, in the Data Import window, select the File-based Error Management check box.
When you select the File-based Error Management check box and leave the Import Preview check box cleared, you receive a system message after the inbound messages are processed successfully to the queue.
Inbound processing logic identifies processing errors on any of the messages in the source file and makes these failed messages available for download in a reprocessable file. The Message Reprocessing application provides a facility to download the reprocessable file.
Selecting the File-based Error Management check box means that any integration messages flagged with an error are available only in the reprocessable file and are not displayed in the messages section of the Message Reprocessing application.