Exporting application data

You can export data from an application if the application and security are configured for this action.


  1. In the List tab of the application, select one or more records, and then select the Application Export action.
  2. In the Application Export window, review the export settings and make any necessary adjustments:
    1. Optional: Specify a different value in the Object Structure field if you do not want to use the default object structure for the export.
      You can specify an alternate object structure only if another object structure has been enabled for this application.
      If you specify an alternate object structure, the window refreshes to include the Export Configuration section where you can configure additional settings.
    2. Optional: If the value in the Selected to Export field exceeds the value in the Export limit field, you can cancel the export and use a different filter to reduce the number of records to export.
      The value in the Export limit field is set by the administrator, and cannot be exceeded, regardless of the number of records selected.
  3. Optional: In the Export Configuration section, specify the data format.
    1. If you select XML format, specify the operation for the export, for example Sync.
    2. If you select Flat File format, specify values in the Delimiter and Text Qualifier fields.
  4. Click OK to start the export. Save the export file locally.
    If the Save dialog box does not open, change the security settings of your browser to enable automatic prompting for downloads.