Deleting security groups

As your business needs change, you can delete security groups. You can delete security groups in the Security Groups application, set up an archiving process, or create a cron task to remove the groups.

Before you begin

You must delete a security groups from the application server before you can delete the security group from the system.

About this task

You can delete a security group in the directory server but the VMMSYNC cron task does not delete the group from the system tables. If there are users associated with a security group or if a security group is specified as the default security group for all users, that security group cannot be deleted. You cannot delete the MAXEVERYONE group.


  1. In the directory server, delete the users from the security group that you want to delete.
    You must wait until the VMMSYNC cron task has fully synchronized the users and security groups in the directory server with the users and groups in the system.
  2. Delete the security group in the directory server.
  3. In the Security Groups application, select the group that you want to delete.
  4. Select the Delete Group action.
  5. Click Yes.

What to do next

If implementation uses an application server to authenticate with an external directory (by means of LDAP), a user that is deleted in the directory is not automatically deleted in the system. You must manually delete it.