Resources in the Graphical Crew Management application

You assign labor and assets to crews in the Graphical Crew Management application.

The Gantt view consists of two tabs. On the Crew View tab, you can see crew requirements, status, craft/skill information of resources, and whether the crews have been properly configured.

On the Assignments tab, you can view resources available for crew assignment and make the assignments. You see the daily availability of your crews and technicians, including shifts and breaks, and exceptions such as sick leave and vacation time. You can access resource details, such as skill, rate, and certifications. You can also see current assignments.

Labor and assets that match the query that you ran are shown in the Assignments tab.

Labor availability

Labor availability is shown as follows:

  • A white section on the calendar indicates that the labor resource is available during the shift.
  • A light gray section on the calendar indicates that the labor resource is unavailable for work during the shift.
  • A dark gray section on the calendar indicates an existing work order or crew assignment that is not included in the schedule.
  • A light blue section on the calendar indicates that the labor resource is unavailable due to modified availability, like sick or vacation time.

Asset assignments

A light blue section on the calendar indicates an existing work order or crew assignment for an asset.

Crew assignments

The crew assignments display in the Assignments tab as follows:

  • A green bar indicates that the crew requirements are met.
  • An orange bar indicates that the crew has outstanding requirements.
  • A yellow bar indicates that the crew's assigned labor and assets do not meet all requirements or qualifications for the crew. If the labor or asset record is yellow in the resource chart, a requirement was not met. For example, your work requires a first class mechanic, and you assigned a second class mechanic. If the crew record in the resource chart is yellow, a crew qualification was not met. For example, the crew is required to have one member with CPR training and no one assigned to the crew does. You can right-click on the crew resource and select Crew Assignment Status to determine the problem.