Creating inspection forms

You can create inspection forms that detail the questions and types of responses that you want to collect. The inspection forms that you create are then available to inspectors in the Conduct an Inspection tool.


  1. In the Manage Inspection Forms tool, click Create Form.
  2. Enter a name for the form.
  3. Enter a form type. For example, select condition assessment.
  4. Click Form Instructions to add any specific instructions for inspectors to the inspection form. Click Save.
  5. Click Add Question. In the Question field, enter the question that you want to add to the inspection form. For example, to record an odometer reading, enter What is the odometer reading? .
  6. From the Response Fields menu, choose the type of response that you want the inspector to record for that question. For example, if you want the inspector to record the time and date of the reading, select Date/Time.
  7. If you want a response to be required, set Required to Yes.
  8. Enter an example of the response you want to see for inspectors to reference.
  9. Optional: Choose multiple options from the Response Fields menu for a single question. For example, select Meter Readings to give the inspector a location to record the odometer reading.
  10. When you have finished adding the response fields for the question, click Done.
  11. Optional: Add more questions to the form.
  12. Click Save to save the inspection form.

What to do next

  • To make the inspection form available to inspectors, you must change the status of the form to Active. In the Inspection Form Library, click the Draft switch to activate the form.
  • You can associate the inspection form with specific assets and locations. In the Assets or Locations application, select the record, and choose Associate Inspection Form from the Actions menu.