Associating inspections with work records

After you create inspection forms, you can associate them with assets, locations, and work orders.

Associating inspection forms with assets and locations

In the Assets application or the Locations application, select the records that you want to associate with an inspection form and choose Associate Inspection Form from the Actions menu. Select the inspection form, click OK, and save the record.

Associating inspection forms with work orders

You can associate inspection forms with work orders in the Work Order Tracking application. When you open the work order, you can associate an inspection form with it in any of the following ways:
  • In the Job Details section of the Work Order tab, click the Detail menu in the Inspection Form field to open the Select an Inspection Form window.
  • In the Multiple Assets, Locations and CIs section of the Work Order tab, click the Detail menu in the Inspection Form field for the line you want to associate the form with.
  • On the Plans tab, you can associate an inspection form with a child work order in the Children section or a task in the Tasks section.