Example: Creating hover windows

If none of the existing hover windows suit your needs, you can create a hover window. For example, you can create a hover window to show the organizations where failure classes occur. You design the hover window and specify the fields that appear.

About this task

The following widget types are supported:
  • recordhoversection
  • recordhoversectioncol
  • recordhoversectionrow
  • recordhovertextbox
  • recordhovermultiparttextbox

In a multinational company, an administrator is noting the organizations where failure classes are reported as assets seem to be failing more frequently in some organizations. The administrator wants to hover over the Failure Class field to see the name of the organization where the failure occurred.

You review the list of hovers and determine that none suit this scenario, so you create a hover for the Failure Class field.


  1. In Application Designer, select the Export System XML action and export the RECHOVERS.XML file.
  2. Open the RECHOVERS.XML file in a text editor and add the following lines:
    <recordhover id="fc_recordhover">
    	<recordhoversection id="fc_rhs_1" label="Failure Class Details">
    		<recordhoversectioncol id="fc_rhsc_1">
    			<recordhoversection id="fc_rhs_2">
    				<recordhovertextbox dataattribute="ORGID" id="fc_rh_1" label="Organization">
  3. Save the RECHOVERS.XML file and import it.
  4. Open the Assets application, click Failure Class and select Control Properties.
  5. In the Advanced tab, specify fc_recordhover as the ID of the hover window and save the application definition.