Combining sub-record field values

You can combine the values in two or more source data fields or integration controls into a single target data field. You can combine values when mismatches occur between an asset management system value and the external system value. For example, a two-part external system key can map to a single part key in the asset management system.

Before you begin

You must create a processing rule that contains a combine action before you can combine sub-record field values.

About this task

The source and target fields must be in the same object. This action always overwrites the existing value in the target field. Ensure that the source and target fields are alphanumeric fields, or processing errors may occur.


  1. In the Enterprise Services or Publish Channels application, display the service orchannel record to which the sub-record field combine action applies.
  2. On the Enterprise Services or Publish Channels tab, select the processing rule to which the sub-record field combine action applies.
  3. Perform one of the following actions:
    • For an enterprise service, click Sub-Record Fields on the Object Structure Processing Rules tab or the Object Processing Rules tab.
    • For a publish channel, click Sub-Record Fields on the Processing Rules for Sub-Record table window.
  4. In the Target Sub-Record Fields table window, perform one of the following actions:
    Option Description
    Select target fields individually
    1. Click New Row.
    2. In the Field field, enter a target data field.
    3. In the Separator Integration Control field, enter a delimiter value that separates the segments in the target field.
    Select multiple target fields at one time
    1. Click Select Field.
    2. Select the appropriate fields.
    3. Click OK.
    4. In the Separator Integration Control field, enter a delimiter value that separates the segments in the target field.
  5. In the Source Sub-Record Fields for Target table window, perform one of the following actions:
    Option Description
    Select source fields individually
    1. Click New Row.
    2. Select a one of the following radio buttons and enter values in the appropriate fields:
      • Field
      • Integration Control
    3. Enter a value in the Sequence field to define the order in which the application move segments of the source field to the target fields.
    Select multiple source fields at one time
    1. Click Select Field.
    2. Select the appropriate fields.
    3. Click OK.
    4. Enter a value in the Sequence field to define the order in which the application move segments of the source field to the target fields.
  6. Click OK.