Type of evaluation
Evaluations generally involve the comparison of two values or a check for the existence of an object set or a null value.
The user interface displays a subset of the types depending on the category of evaluation (XML field, object field, object set, or control). The following table lists the possible types of evaluations that you can use.
Type of evaluation | Description |
EQUALS | The value in the specified field is equal to the value of a second field (the comparison field). |
NOTEQUALS | The value in the specified field is not equal to the value of a second field (the comparison field). |
GREATER | The value in the specified field is greater than the value of a second field (the comparison field). |
GREATEROREQUAL | The value in the specified field is greater than or equal to the value of a second field (the comparison field). |
LESS | The value in the specified field is less than the value of a second field (the comparison field). |
LESSOREQUAL | The value in the specified field is less than or equal to the value of a second field (the comparison field). |
LIKE | The value contains the expected value. |
NOTLIKE | The value does not contain the expected value. |
ISNULL | The specified field contains no value or a null value. |
ISNOTNULL | The specified field contains a value. |
NONE | This option is available only if the When to Evaluate field is configured as Changed or Not Changed. If NONE is selected, no further evaluation is necessary. |
EXISTS | Records exist in the specified object set. |
NOTEXISTS | No records exist in the specified object set. |