Defining escalation points

You can define one or more escalation points for an escalation. For each escalation point, you can specify one or more actions or notifications.


  1. In the Escalations application, create, or display an escalation record.
  2. In the Escalation Points table window, click New Row.
  3. In the Row Details window, specify the condition that triggers the escalation point by selecting one of the following options:
    • If you are creating a time-based escalation point, specify values in the Elapsed Time Attribute field, in the Elapsed Time Interval field, and in the Interval Unit of Measure field. Type a positive number in the Elapsed Time Interval field to indicate a time period in the past. Type a negative number to indicate a time in the future.
    • If you are creating a condition-based escalation point, type an SQL statement in the Escalation Point Condition field to specify the condition that triggers the escalation. You can specify a value manually or click the SQL Expression Builder icon.
  4. If you want the actions and notifications of the escalation point triggered more than once, select the Repeat check box.
  5. Click Save Escalation.

What to do next

Now you define an action to take for each escalation point that you created.