Properties specific to operational management products
When you create a launch entry record, some properties are specifically for use with operational management products.
When you associate an operational management product to a launch
entry, the framework searches for the product name on the operational
management product servers in the database that manages the configuration
item. If you provide the operational management product version, the
framework searches for the specified version. The server data populates
the {sourcetoken}
and {reportinghostname}
in the launch URL.
To determine what configuration item you are working with, the integration framework looks for a configuration item globally unique identifier (CIGUID) attribute in the business object that you are viewing. If you are viewing the configuration item business object, the globally unique identifier (GUID) attribute is used instead.
The source token is an attribute of the configuration item and
operational management product server relationship. The operational
management product console accepts the source token as the configuration
item identifier. When you include a {sourcetoken}
the launch URL, the framework replaces it with the corresponding source
token for the selected operational management product server.
The reporting host name is the host name of the selected operational
management product server. When the {reportinghostname}
is in the URL for the launch entry, the framework replaces it with
the host name of the selected operational management product. The
source token and host name information is loaded from the discovery
engine. If the host name information is not loaded from the discovery
engine, you must add the operational management product server information
to your database.