Crossover domains

Crossover domains are similar to table domains because they validate a field value against another table in the product. However, crossover domains allow data from the other table to be copied into fields in the current application. For example, you can return the serial number of an asset from the ASSET table to a field in the Item Master application.

When you create a crossover domain, you can specify one or more conditions that must be met before values are returned from a source object. You can define conditions for the source object and the destination object, and if the conditions are met, values are returned to the destination field. You use the Conditional Expression Manager to define conditions for crossover domains.

To learn more about data structures and relationships, you can view information in the Object Structures application.

Be aware of the level at which data is used. For example, an asset is added at the site level, so it is possible that identical asset identifiers are used in more than one site. If you add a clause to select an assetnum, you also specify a site identifier.

Order of fields and conditions on crossover domains

If you define conditions on crossover domains in custom applications, carefully consider the order that users scan through the fields. When you define a condition, the condition is evaluated at the moment the value for the attribute is set. If a condition relates to another field with a value that has not been set, values are not returned as expected. For example, this situation might occur due to the order of the layout of the application interface.

Example: Serial number crossover

You want to add a serial number (the destination) to a work order. You want the serial number to cross over from the serial number of the related asset, the source, when the work type is emergency maintenance, the condition. Select the work type before you select the asset number for the crossover to occur as expected.