Associating domain values with conditions

You can associate ALN, synonym, and numeric domain values with a condition to limit the number of values available to users for conditions such as status, priority, and asset. This association ensures that only users determined by you can set certain statuses, change the priority of work orders, and so on.

Before you begin

Before you associate a domain value with a condition, you must set up the domain values for the ALN, synonym, and numeric domains. You must then define a condition for when particular domain values appear in a domain. You can create conditions in the condition library of the Conditional Expression Manager application.

About this task

If you modify the condition for a domain value after the value was selected for a field, the existing values are not revalidated. When you associate a condition with a domain value, you can specify an object name. Conditional values are not supported in the List or Search tab.


  1. Open the Domains application and select the Edit Detail icon for the domain that contains the values that you want to associate with a condition.
    Depending on the domain type that is selected, an ALN, numeric, synonym, table, or crossover window opens from where you can add or change conditions.
  2. Select View/ Modify Conditions and add or change the conditions as necessary. If you are adding a condition, you must associate the condition with an object.
  3. Optional: If you want to add the same conditions for multiple domain values, select Set Conditions and select a condition from the condition library.
    You can apply the same condition to all of the selected values.
  4. Optional: If you want domain values to be used by multiple objects, specify the objects in the Object Name field.
  5. Save the record.