Adding table domains

You add a table domain when you want to draw a single, dynamic value directly from a column in the database. This process creates a dynamic value list because the values it draws from the database might change. For example, you want to associate a lookup list with an extra field that the product provides.

About this task

Table domains differ from crossover domains in that crossover domains are used for copying multiple dynamic values from a table.


  1. In the Domains application, in the Domains table window, add a domain and select Add New TABLE Domain.
  2. Specify a unique identifier and a description for the domain.
  3. Insert a row and complete the following fields.
    You can learn more about the data structures and relationships in the product in the Object structures application.
    Field Description
    Object Specify the name of the object that contains the attribute from which you want to create a domain.

    For example, to obtain values from the ASSET object, specify ASSET.

    List Where Clause The filter that specifies additional criteria that limits the values returned to the lookup list.

    For example, to select asset records that begin with the numbers 114, type: assetnum like '114%'

    Note: Your entry is not validated now for syntax or any other errors. Be sure that you specified a valid WHERE clause. If you make errors, errors do not become apparent until you configure the database.
    Validation Where Clause The 1:1 relationship to a value in the child object, which is specified in the Object field. In the WHERE clause, specify the child attribute first. Then specify the source attribute, prefixed with a colon.

    Be aware of the level at which data is used. For example, an asset is added at the site level, so it is possible that identical asset identifiers are used in more than one site. The clause to select the assetnum should also specify a site identifier.

    For example, if you want a field named Z (attribute Z) to contain values from the assetnum field in the Assets application for the Concord site, type: assetnum = :z and siteid =:Concord.

  4. Optional: Specify a group value and a key value to select an error message to display when domain validation fails.
    You define values for error messages in the Database Configuration application.
    1. In the Error Message Group field, specify the group value of the error message.
    2. In the Error Message Key field, specify the key value of the error message.
  5. Optional: Apply a domain value to a specific organization and site by specifying values in the Organization and Site fields.
    Domains are applied at the system level by default. You can allow users in all organizations and sites to access the values by leaving the Organization and Site fields empty.
  6. Optional: Add more rows.
  7. Save your changes.

What to do next

After you add a domain, you might still have several tasks to perform, depending on the domain and how you want to display it.

In the Classifications application, you can associate a domain with an attribute in the Attributes table window. Specify the table attribute and lookup name. No further configuration is needed.

If you use a domain in any other context, adding a domain requires any of the following tasks:
  • Associate the new domain with an attribute in the Database Configuration application.
  • Configure the database in the Database Configuration application.
  • Modify the presentations as needed with the Application Designer application. For example, if you add an ALN domain for a field, you must add a Select Value control. New crossover domains might require new fields in the destination application.