Adding numeric domains

You add a numeric domain when you want to add a domain that uses one of the numeric data types.

About this task

Because you can use a domain with multiple fields, the length that you specify here must be less than or equal to the length of the shortest field with which you use the domain. For example, if you want to use the domain with three fields of lengths 8, 10, and 12, specify a length of 8 or less for the domain. If you specify a length greater than the field the domain is used in, you are not able to assign the domain to the attribute in the Database Configuration application. Alternatively, you can specify a greater length in the Domains application. You can use the Database Configuration application later to change the length of the field that uses the domain.


  1. In the Domains application, in the Domains table window, add a domain and select Add New NUMERIC Domain.
  2. Specify a name, description and data type.
  3. Depending on the data type the Length field might or might not be editable. If editable, specify a length that is equal to or less than the length of the field that uses the domain.
    For example, if you are adding a domain for a field in the Assets application that has a length of 12, then specify a length of 12.
  4. For Decimal data type only, in the Scale field, specify a scale value if different from the default, 2.
  5. Insert a row for a new range segment, and add a segment name, range minimum and maximum values, and interval for that segment.
  6. Optional: Apply a domain value to a specific organization or site by specifying values in the Organization and Site fields.
    If no organization or site is specified, the domain is available to all users.

    For example, if you enter a value 100 with no organization specified, a value 300 with Organization A specified, and a value 500 with Organization B specified, then records in Organization A have access to 300 only. Records that are in Organization B have access to 500 only. Records that are in other organizations have access to 100 only. Once you specify an organization and/or site for one value, records in that organization and/or site no longer has access to values that have no organization/site specified.

  7. Optional: Insert rows for more segments.
  8. Save your changes.

What to do next

After you add a domain, you might still have several tasks to perform, depending on the domain and how you want to display it.

In the Classifications application, you can associate a domain with an attribute in the Attributes table window, and no further configuration is needed.

If you use a domain in any other context, adding a domain requires additional tasks.
  • Associate the new domain with an attribute and apply changes in the Database Configuration application.
  • Configure the database in the Database Configuration application.
  • Use the Application Designer application to modify the user interface as needed. For example, if you add an ALN domain for a field, you must add the Select Value control. New crossover domains might require new fields in the destination application.