Printing all attachments

You can print all documents included in the work pack of a current record using the Reports application. By default, all attached documents are included in the work pack of a record. A work pack includes all documents attached to the current record as well as all documents attached to associated application records. For example: When you print a work pack for a Work Order record that has an associated Job Plan, you will also print the documents attached to that Job Plan.

Before you begin

You can preview the attached documents for the record before you print by clicking the Attachments icon and selecting View Documents. You might need additional software to view some file types. If you cannot view a document in the Internet browser, you cannot print it. Only documents that have the Print with a work pack? option selected will print when the system generates a report. If you add an attachment using Manage Library the default for Print with a work pack is one, but if you add an attachment using the paperclip icon, the default is zero.


  1. In any application that has Attached Documents actions, display the record whose attachments you want to print.
  2. From the Navigation Bar, select Reports to access the Reports application. See the Reports application topic for detailed instructions about using the Reports application.
  3. Optional: To print all documents that are attached to a group of records, use the List tab to select the records and then click Reports in the Navigation Bar from the List tab.