To implement attached document features for Simple Storage Service (S3) cloud object
storage in Maximo® Manage,
administrators specify system properties to define parameters, such as the storage bucket, access
key, and other relevant properties.
About this task
You can configure the system properties after you deploy Maximo Manage.
Before you begin
You must have authorization to edit system properties for attached documents.
- In the System Properties application, select the property that you want to edit. You can
locate document properties for S3 attachments by specifying the following filters in the
Property Name field:
- mxe.cos
- mxe.doclink
- mxe.attachmentstorage
- Configure the system properties for attached documents as needed.
For more
information about the system properties for S3 storage, see Attachment properties for S3
- Restart the server bundle pod.
If you have multiple server bundles, restart
all of them.