Data synchronization process

After the initial data synchronization, you can export data from Maximo® Manage to the Asset Data Dictionary manually when needed, at regularly scheduled intervals, or when data changes.

The following synchronization options are available:
  • Export data from Maximo Manage manually using the Data Export or Bulk Data Export actions in the External Systems application.
  • Schedule a cron task to export data automatically at regular intervals, such as once a day.
  • Enable event listener to initiate processing for a publish channel when a change occurs. To use this option, you must enable event listener on all MASDD publish channels except the MASDDASSETHIER asset hierarchy publish channel. Asset hierarchies are synchronized as part of the MASDDASSET asset integration.
Processed data is added to the outbound queue. You can configure a cron task to specify how often messages are sent to the data dictionary.
The following table describes the events that trigger data synchronization:
Table 1. Events that trigger data dictionary synchronization
Synchronization Events that trigger updates to the data
Organizations and sites An organization becomes active.

An organization is deleted.

A site is added, deleted, or becomes active.

Location systems

A location system is added.

A location system is deleted.

Locations, locations of type OPERATING or any synonyms for OPERATING in the LOCTYPE domain A location is added.

A location is deleted.

Location type is changed.

A location status is changed.

A location meter with a metric ID is added or deleted.

Location hierarchies A location hierarchy is added.

A location hierarchy is deleted.

Assets An asset is added.

An asset is deleted.

An asset's parent, location, site ID or asset type is modified.

An asset status is changed.

An asset meter with a metric ID is added or deleted.

Asset hierarchies The MASDDASSETHIER publish channel publishes the asset hierarchy for export scenarios. Do not enable an event listener for this publish channel.
Data synchronization must occur in the following order:
  1. Organizations and sites
  2. Location systems
  3. Operating locations
  4. Location hierarchies
  5. Assets
  6. Asset hierarchies