Language support

Maximo® Manage is available in a number of languages. You can specify a base language and additional languages when you deploy the application.

Languages that are displayed in the user interface are controlled by the following settings:
Browser language setting
If content is available for the language that users select for their browser, the application displays that language. If the language that is selected in the browser is not available, the application displays the base language.
Preferred language setting
In the IBM® Maximo Application Suite, users can select a preferred locale, language, and time zone when they set up their profile. If you change the user's preferred language setting in Maximo Manage, it is not overwritten by a future synchronization from Maximo Application Suite.
Application language settings
When Maximo Manage is deployed, you can select a base language, which is the default language for the application. By default, the base language is English. If you select a different language, the language is permanently set as the base language, and you cannot change it in subsequent deployments. However, if you do not specify a base language when you first deploy the application and use the default value instead, you can change the base language when you redeploy.

The base language can be changed only once. After it is changed, it cannot be changed back to English or any other language.

To add other languages that you want to make available to your users, you can select additional languages when you deploy the application. More languages can be added after you deploy the application. You cannot remove the additional languages that you deploy.

If you use IBM DB2® and plan to install a language other than English for your base language or as additional languages, ensure that you select the checkbox for the Db2 Vargraphic field when you configure your database.

Although Maximo Application Suite does not support bidirectional languages, Maximo Manage provides language support for bidirectional languages.
The following languages are supported:
  • Arabic
  • Brazilian Portuguese
  • Croatian
  • Czech
  • Danish
  • Dutch
  • English
  • Finnish
  • French
  • German
  • Hebrew
  • Hungarian
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Norwegian
  • Polish
  • Russian
  • Simplified Chinese
  • Slovak
  • Slovenian
  • Spanish
  • Swedish
  • Traditional Chinese
  • Turkish
Note: Maximo Manage supports Db2®, Oracle Database, and Microsoft SQL Server. However, it cannot support Microsoft SQL Server when the database collation is set to Turkish.

Because Maximo Manage does not handle Turkish i characters stored in Db2 and Oracle Database, those characters are not supported.