Configuring a JMS server for Maximo Manage

If you use Java™ Message Service (JMS) for integrating data into Maximo® Manage, you can configure a server bundle and deploy a Liberty server that supports JMS messaging.

About this task

To configure a JMS server, you specify standalonejms for the bundleType in the custom resource for the Maximo Manage workspace. This configuration creates a single-pod Liberty JMS server that includes a set of queues that match the following default queues in Maximo Manage:
<wasJmsEndpoint host="*" wasJmsSSLPort="7286" wasJmsPort="7276" > <wasJmsEndpoint/>
    <fileStore path="/jmsstore"/>
    <queue id="sqoutbd" maintainStrictOrder="true" maxMessageDepth="100000" failedDeliveryPolicy="KEEP_TRYING" maxRedeliveryCount="-1"/>
    <queue id="sqinbd" maintainStrictOrder="true" maxMessageDepth="100000" failedDeliveryPolicy="KEEP_TRYING" maxRedeliveryCount="-1"/>
    <queue id="cqinerrbd" maxMessageDepth="100000" failedDeliveryPolicy="KEEP_TRYING"/>
    <queue id="cqinbd" maxMessageDepth="100000" exceptionDestination="cqinerrbd"/>
    <queue id="notferrbd" maxMessageDepth="100000" failedDeliveryPolicy="KEEP_TRYING"/>
    <queue id="notfbd" maxMessageDepth="100000" exceptionDestination="notferrbd"/>
The following table lists the default values for the JMS server:
Table 1. Default values for JMS server parameters
Parameter Default value
isDefault 0
isUserSyncTarget 0
isMobileTarget 0
replica 1
routeSubDomain Does not apply.
By default, ephemeral storage for the JMS server uses the /jmsstore directory in the container. However, if you want to provide persistent storage, you can configure a persistent volume claim for the JMS server bundle when you deploy the application. You can also specify a different directory for the JMS storage by using the additional server configuration parameters for the bundle.


  1. In the OpenShift® console, in the Administration section, select Custom Resource Definitions.
  2. In the CustomResourcesDefinitions window, select the ManageWorkspace custom resource definition record.
  3. In the CustomResourceDefinition details window, on the Instances tab, select the instance for your JMS server.
  4. On the YAML tab for the instance, in the spec.settings.deployment section, specify values for the server bundle name and bundle type, as shown in the following example:
            - name: jmserver
              bundleType: standalonejms
  5. Save the custom resource.