Processing rule initiation

For an outbound transaction, a business object event on the primary object of an object structure initiates a processing rule. For an inbound transaction, the event that initiates a processing rule is identified by the value of the Action attribute on the primary object of the inbound XML or JSON message.

When you configure publish channels and enterprise services, you specify which events to use to initiate each processing rule. You can apply a processing rule to the primary record, a child record, or an object, but the event that initiates the rule must be initiated on the primary object.

You can, for example, implement a Stop rule on the PERSON object that prevents users from changing any attribute on the person record by identifying that the rule applies on update. With this configuration, users can create or delete person records but users cannot update person records.

For outbound transactions, in the Publish Channels application you can configure one or more of the following actions on the primary object to initiate the rule:

  • Insert
  • Delete
  • Update

When an outbound message is generated using the Data Export feature or by a programmatic call to the publish channel, all enabled processing rules are run, regardless of the event settings.

For inbound transactions, in the Enterprise Services application you can configure one or more of the following actions on the primary object to initiate the rule:
  • Add
  • Change or Replace (equivalent of Update)
  • Delete
You can set one of these values as the Action attribute of the primary object for the inbound transaction.