Database changes without administration mode

Some object-level and attribute-level parameters can be updated without using administration mode.

Changes to the following object-level parameters are eligible for live updates:

Table 1. Object-level parameters that are eligible for live updates
Description Source
Description MaxObjectCfg.Description
Esig Filter MaxObjectCfg.EsigFilter

Changes to the attribute-level parameters that are listed in the following table are eligible for live updates.

Table 2. Attribute-level parameters that are eligible for live updates
Header Source Additional rules to qualify for live update
Description MaxAttributeCfg.Remarks None
Title MaxAttributeCfg.Title None
Domain MaxAttributeCfg.DomainID None
Default Value MaxAttributeCfg.DefaultValue None
Search Type MaxAttributeCfg.SearchType For live update, you cannot change to or from Text Search (domainid = SEARCHTYPE, maxvalue = TEXT).
Esig Enabled MaxAttributeCfg.EsigEnabled None
Can Autonum MaxAttributeCfg.CanAutonum None
Autokey Name MaxAttributeCfg.AutokeyName None
Is Positive MaxAttributeCfg.IsPositive None
Field Validation Class MaxAttributeCfg.Classname For live update, the specified class must be accessible to the class loader.

If any of the Cfg tables for an object or any of its attributes have changes that are not listed in the preceding tables, that object and its attributes are not eligible for live updates.