Configuring building information modeling (BIM) projects
Before you can import Construction-Operations Building information exchange (COBie) data
into BIM projects, you define filters, map COBie attributes to existing Manage attributes that include custom
attributes, create projects at a site level, and configure global settings for each
Defining filters
You can use filters to restrict the data that is imported during import, update, merge, and validate sessions. Filters are defined separately from projects at a system, organization, or site level, but can be applied to specific session types. A single filter can be used in any session, so you can create a library of reusable filters. By using filters, you can reduce memory usage of the import because filters are applied immediately when a row is read from an input file.
Creating maps from COBie attributes to Maximo business objects specifications and fields
By creating maps, you can map attributes and extension columns in your COBie data to fields in Maximo business objects and to the attribute types in specifications in Maximo Manage . Field maps are useful if your deployment is customized and has custom fields. Attribute maps for fields also reduce errors in the log files and rework when you validate and import data.
Creating projects
You can use a project to group import sessions for a single location, typically a building. All imported data uses the parent location that is defined for the project, which is a useful way of breaking a large project into subprojects such as wings, floors, or sections in a building.
Creating system maps for COBie systems
By creating system maps, you can map the data elements that are specified in a COBie system to an existing system in Maximo Manage instead of creating a new system.
Configuring data for building models
As a designer, you can configure how the COBie file is processed, how IDs are generated from the COBie data, and how attributes are used. Configuration is done at the site level for all projects in the site.
Configuring data for Maximo Manage
As a facilities manager, you can configure how data is saved in the records that are created during import in the Maximo database . For example, you can specify the classifications that are applied in Maximo Manage and the statuses that are applied to records. Configuration is done at the site level for all projects in the site.