Classifications for building information models

Classifications provide useful information about the role and function of an item for building information models. Before you import Construction-Operations Building information exchange (COBie) data, you can specify a classification type, such as OmniClass, UniFormat, or a custom classification, to associate attributes with items.

COBie supports the classification of the Category field, which maps to a classification in Maximo® Manage. You can assign default classifications for each type of imported object. You can use automatically created classifications if they do not exist in Maximo Manage.

OmniClass classifications

OmniClass is an industry-standard classification system in construction projects. The import utility that is used in Maximo Manage uses OmiClass classifications. OmniClass classifications are stored in a hierarchy table in .CSV, .XLS, or .XLXS formatted spreadsheet.

The required format for the table is the OmniClass Number followed by individual columns for level titles, such as the Level 1 Title column, up to a maximum of seven level titles. The format for the OmniClass number is NN-NN NN NN, for example, 11-11 00 00.

The import utility can also use a flat file format that has one classification number per line and the entries in parent-child order. The import utility uses the OmniClass number structure to build the hierarchy.

Specifications and attributes

You can map the COBie attributes to specifications in Maximo Manage. Using specifications, you can associate COBie data with assets, locations, and job plans. Classifications must be applied to records before specifications can be associated with the records.

Default classifications are defined for the project session types so that objects that are stored at the organization level still use the site level defaults for the project. The import utility requires that a classification must be compatible with the level of the associated Maximo business objects that the classification is used with. The following table shows the levels that are required for a standard import:

Table 1. Minimum classification levels
Table Type Minimum classification level
Asset Site Site
Company contact Organization Organization
Job plan System, Site, or Organization System, Organization or site
Location Site Site
Person System System