Saving changes to the database

After you make changes to the database in the Database Configuration application, you must commit the changes to the database. The data on the server is then reloaded and the user interface (UI) is updated with the changes that you made. For example, new fields are added or field labels are updated.


  1. In the Database Configuration application, make your changes.
  2. From the More Actions menu, select Manage Admin Mode.
  3. In the Turn Admin Mode ON window, click Turn Admin Mode ON and click Close.
  4. From the Select Action menu, select Apply Configuration Changes.
  5. From the More Actions menu, select Manage Admin Mode.
  6. In the Turn Admin Mode ON window, click Cancel Admin Mode and click Close.
  7. Sign out of Maximo® Manage.
  8. Sign in to Maximo Manage.

Restarting the server

Although you do not have to stop and restart the server when you apply configuration changes, you can also choose that option to apply database changes.


  1. Log in to Maximo Application Suite as a system administrator.
  2. From the catalog, on the Applications tab, select the Manage tile.
  3. On the application details page, click Actions and select Update configuration.
  4. In the Update Manage configuration window, select Update configuration.
  5. Click Show advanced settings.
  6. To turn off the server, complete the following steps:
    1. In the Server mode section of the deployment window, in the Mode field, select Off.
    2. Click Activate.
    3. In the Confirmation window, click Activate.
  7. To restart the server, complete the following steps:
    1. In the Server mode section of the deployment window, in the Mode field, select On.
    2. Click Activate.
    3. In the Confirmation window, click Activate.