Moving components and applications across servers
You can move user interface components and applications across servers, for example to move from a nonproduction environment to a production environment. Different members of the organization can configure different applications and then move them to a centralized test environment.
- Create a backup directory for the XML files you are moving.
You can use the backup files to restore application definitions in the future, if necessary.
- Open the application on the source server, and click Export Application Definition.
- Save the code as an XML file in the backup directory you created.
- Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each application that you want to export.
- Make a copy of the XML file(s) you created.
- Paste the copy of the XML files onto the target server.
- Open the Application Designer on the target server, click Import
Application Definition, and navigate to the XML files.
When you import an application, you overwrite the application in the database and not in the directory of presentation.xml files.